You just made a sick play and want to share the replay with your friends. But you discovered that your instant replay was turned off automatically.
But why does your instant replay keep turning off?
Playing in a windowed mode will not allow you to use the instant replay. So, always play in full screen mode. The NVIDIA files may have gotten corrupted, in that case, reinstalling the software will help. Also, apps like Spotify may interfere with the instant replay, so uninstalling that should fix it. Other than these, low hard drive space, and using high bitrate can cause this problem as well.
In this article, we will discuss all the methods to fix the instant replay problem.
Why Does My Instant Replay Keep Turning Off?
There are several reasons why your instant replay may keep turning off or not work at all. First of all, if you are not playing the game in full screen mode, it will not work. Also, it could be because your NVIDIA files or the graphics driver is corrupted. Or, it could some external apps that are preventing the action.
Also, having low hard-drive space, using a higher bitrate, or not having the Windows Media Pack can cause this.
How To Fix Instant Replay Not Working or Keeps Turning Off?
There are quite a few methods to fix instant replay not working. Don’t worry, all these methods are straightforward and simple. Let’s see what these methods are-
Method One: Reinstalling NVIDIA Geforce
The first thing you can try doing is to uninstall and reinstall NVIDIA Geforce. To uninstall it follow the below steps-
Here is a comprehensive step-by-step guide on how to uninstall and reinstall NVIDIA GeForce Experience on different operating systems:
For Windows:
- Press the Windows key + R
- Type “appwiz.cpl” and press Enter to open the Programs and Features window.
- Follow the prompts or commands to uninstall the NVIDIA GeForce Experience software completely.
- Open the task manager, locate, and manually end all NVIDIA processes one by one.
- Navigate to your C drive (or the drive where your operating system is installed). Open the “Users” folder. Look for a folder named with your username and open it.
- If the “App Data” folder is not visible, enable “Show Hidden Files” by going to “View” > “Options” > “View” and check the “Show hidden files and folders” option. Alternatively, you can open the “Run” dialog and type “%appdata%” to directly access the “App Data” folder.
- Open the “App Data” folder and then the “Local” subfolder.
- Locate and delete the folders named “NVIDIA” and “NVIDIA Corporation”. It’s recommended to keep a backup of these folders before deleting them.
- Go back to the “App Data” folder.
- Open the “Roaming” folder.
- Look for a folder named “NVIDIA” and delete it.
Now, download the latest version of NVIDIA GeForce Experience from the official website and install it.
For Linux and Ubuntu:
- Type “sudo apt-get autoremove” and press Enter to remove any remaining dependencies.
- Download the latest version of NVIDIA GeForce Experience from the official website.
- Open the terminal and navigate to the directory where the downloaded file is located.
- For Linux, type “sudo sh ./” and press Enter to start the installation process.
- For Ubuntu, type “sudo dpkg -i NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-xxx.xx.deb” and press Enter to start the installation process.
- Follow the prompts to install the software.
- Restart your computer to complete the installation.
Note that “xxx.xx” represents the specific version number of the NVIDIA driver package. You should replace it with the actual version number you have downloaded.
By following these steps, you should be able to uninstall and reinstall NVIDIA GeForce Experience. If you do not know what driver you need, Nvidia serial number lookup can help.
Method Two: Restart NVIDIA LocalSystem
If the reinstallation method did not work, then you need to restart the NVIDIA LocalSystem. To do that follow the process-
- Open the terminal to access the command prompt. Type “sudo apt-get remove nvidia*” and press Enter to remove all NVIDIA drivers and software.
- Open “Run”, type “services.msc” and hit enter.
- Now, a window with all the services that are running will open. From there, find “NVIDIA LocalSystem Container”. Right-click on that and the restart option will be there in the menu.
- For Linux and Ubuntu users, running this command will do the trick
“sudo systemctl restart nvidia-container-runtime.service”
After restarting the service the instant replay should be working. But in some cases, it may stop working again. If that happens, try restarting the “NVIDIA LocalSystem Container” again.
For some people, this needs to be done frequently to get the instant replay working.
Method Three: Close Anti-Cheat Client and Uninstall Spotify
Sometimes other apps can prevent your Instant Reply to stop working. In that case, you need to either disable or delete such apps to get your instant replay running.
Apps like “Anti-cheat Client” and “Spotify” have been known to cause such problems. If you use “Anti-cheat Client”, you won’t need to delete it, just disabling would be enough. But if you use the “Spotify” app, it needs to be deleted for the instant replay to work again.
Method Four: Turn On the Desktop Capture

Another simple fix for this problem is to turn on “Desktop Capture.” To turn on the “Desktop Capture”, press “Alt + Z” on your keyboard. From there, go to “Settings” > “Privacy Control”. There you will have the option to turn on the desktop capture.
An interesting thing is, for some people, turning it off works. So, if it’s already turned on, you can try turning it off and see if the instant replay works.
Method Five: Restart In-Game Overlay
Another thing you can try is restarting the In-Game Overlay. To do that, open the NVIDIA Geforce Experience and go to settings. There you will see the “In-game Overlay” option. Turn it off, save the change, and turn it back on again.
You may also face error codes like the Nvidia GeForce error code 0x800b1004. In that case, do not worry as the solution is very simple.
Method Six: Deselect A Specific Option
This a method most of you probably do not know. There is an option that is called “Allow files on this drive to have contents indexed in addition to file properties.” Disabling this option can fix your problem with the instant replay.
Now, the option is specific to the drive you save your videos to. For example, you save your instant replays in the “D” drive. So, you will need to right-click on that drive. Then go to properties and you will find that option there.
If that option is selected, deselect it and save the changes. Then check if your instant replay is working. Remember, this is exclusive only to Windows.
Method Seven: Free Up Some Space
Another issue could be the space of your drive. If you have low space in the drive you save the videos, freeing up space can solve the problem.
Method Eight: Turn Down Your Bitrate
Turning your bitrate down may also help solve the problem. To turn the bitrate down, press “Alt + Z”, go to “Settings” then go to “Video Capture.” Here you will see the option to turn down the bitrate.
By default, the bitrate is 50 Mbps, so, you need to turn it down to 10. Also, check if the ignore film grain option is enabled or disabled.
Method Nine: Install the Windows Media Pack
You can also try installing the Windows Media Pack, which may help you fix the instant replay problem.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):
Why does my GeForce in-game overlay keep turning off?
Your graphics driver may be corrupted or outdated if your Geforce in-game overlay is keep turning off. Updating or reinstalling the driver should fix the problem.
Does Geforce overlay affect FPS?
Yes, the GeForce overlay can potentially affect FPS (frames per second) in games. Any overlay, including the GeForce overlay, requires system resources to operate, such as CPU and GPU usage. This utilization of system resources can impact game performance and result in a decrease in FPS.
Does ShadowPlay affect the CPU?
Yes, ShadowPlay can affect CPU and performance. However, the exact impact would depend on various things. For example, the game you are playing and the specifications of your PC.
So, after this discussion, you should have the answer for: “Why does my instant replay keep turning off?”. Also, you should be able to fix this on your own as the fixes are very simple.
Still, if you are unable to fix this problem by yourself, we suggest you contact NVIDIA support.